Pentecost Sunday:
Pentecost Sunday is a day filled with the Holy Spirit and all His gifts and fruits. Today we celebrate the birthday of the Catholic Church, when the Holy Spirit descended to remain with us as our advocate and guide, and filled the apostles with His gifts; empowering them to begin their mission of spreading the faith. At the end of Mass last week, when our priest reminded us to wear red to help celebrate Pentecost the following week, I began thinking about the color red. As I contemplated this liturgical hue, I found it interesting that not only is red the liturgical color worn to represent the Holy Spirit, but it is also the color that is worn on the feast days of martyrs. Could it be that red is used for martyrs not just to symbolize their blood that was shed for Christ, but also because they'd been emboldened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit— wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord? That amongst all the gifts, the Holy Spirit filled them with fortitude—a courage to be countercultural and steadfast in their faith and love of the Lord and His Bride the Church? When we wear red, is it a reminder to us to embrace the Holy Spirit and His gifts, and like the holy martyrs, to not be afraid to live the Christian life? As my family and I celebrate Pentecost this year, and wear our red to Mass, I cannot help but contemplate these questions, and as I do, feel closer to the Holy Spirit. I hope that as you and your family celebrate Pentecost, the Holy Spirit's descent and the birthday of the Church, that you will draw closer to Him and be empowered by his graces and gifts!
Celebrate with Food:
Make red Jello and whipped-cream parfaits topped with raspberries or strawberries, and add a birthday candle in celebration of the Church's birthday as well as to represent the flames of the Holy Spirit appearing above the heads of the apostles. Stick a spoon in your parfaits and tape a paper dove on it to represent the Holy Spirit. As you serve your parfaits, sing "Happy Birthday" to the Church and enjoy your yummy party treats! Here is my template with spoon-size doves you can print off and use.
Make a paper dove with the gifts of the Holy Spirit written in flames and hang it on your fridge or above your kitchen table. Here is a template, with the gifts of the Holy Spirit written in the flames, as well as a blank version I created that you can print and use.
Here are what the templates look like:
- Print off the Holy Spirit and flame template of your choice
- Color the flames red, yellow, and orange
- Cut out the flames and the paper dove
- Glue the flames to the wings and tail of the paper dove
- Hang your Holy Spirit dove on your refrigerator or above your kitchen table
As an alternative—you can attach magnets to the back of your paper dove and to each flame and then let your children move the flames and dove together on your refrigerator as you teach them the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Celebrate with a Prayer:
As a family, say the traditional "Come Holy Spirit" Prayer:
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created, and Thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Amen.
Additional Resources:
Here is an article, from Loyola Press, the lists and defines the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as a list of the fruits of he Holy Spirit.
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