The Most Holy Name of Mary:
Have you ever wondered how many names/titles there are that reference the Blessed Virgin Mary? That was something I wondered today when I read the title for today’s feast day. After doing a Google search, I found this list of names/titles from Secular Franciscan USA. It is a wonderful compiling of all of Mary’s beautiful names/titles that was revised in 2017.
Family Activities: Today, you can have each family member select their favorite name for Mary from the list and draw a picture illustrating her and her title. You can also write a family prayer honoring Mary and her holy name incorporating your favorite titles for her and say this prayer together at dinner or before bed. You can also make a long paper chain, writing one of Mary’s names/titles on each slip of paper, and as you add a link say the name/title and then “Pray for Us.” If your children are older, you could also put all of Mary’s names/titles into a word search using this free puzzle maker from Discovery Education, and have your children find them.
Celebrating Through Food:
Serve alphabet soup and mini alphabet cookies for lunch, since Mary has a lot of names/titles. Your kids will have fun trying to spell Mary and some of her names using the cookie letters.
Additional Activity:
You and your family can also watch and listen to the book, “Our Lady’s Wardrobe,” by Anthony DeStefano. This book is filled with various beautiful names that we use to refer to Mary. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating today!
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