Blessed Carlo Acutis: Feast Day Oct. 12th
2020 has been a crazy year. Yet in the midst of fear and chaos, 2020 has also been filled with blessings and goodness. 20-20 vision is considered perfect sight. I God using 2020 as a way to slow life down in order to provide us with opportunities for reflection? To evaluate our priorities and what is truly important to us? To perfect our sight beyond 20-20 enabling us to have better vision? I wonder...
For my family, we've seen the following goodness and blessings from 2020. We've been provided opportunities to grow even closer together. With my husband working from home most days, we've been able to enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner together as a family. My husband's been able to talk with our kids at lunch and ask them how their morning has been, and we've all been able to pray together at 3:00pm unless he is on a phone-conference. The pandemic, through its suspension of many things, in many ways, I believe, has been a blessing in disguise bringing families closer together. For my family, 2020 has also brought us the joy of welcoming a new baby into our family. What are some blessings and good things that have happened to you and your family in 2020?
Today, as we celebrate the feast day of Blessed Carlo Acutis, I think about how he is a blessing to the year 2020 and the future. Beatified on October 10th, 2020, Blessed Carlo's love for the Eucharist as a child and then young teen is an inspiration to all children, teens and adults today. Today we live in a digital age, and Blessed Carlo, being a Millennial, connects to the lives of all growing up in a digital world. In his young and devout life, he used his talents with technology and websites to share his passion for the Eucharist with the world. Let us be inspired by him to continue to live our faith and teach its truths in modern times!
Celebrating Blessed Carlo Through Food:
Since Blessed Carlo lived in Italy, my family made biscotti and coffee as our celebratory treat. Instead of almonds, we added mini-chocolate chips to our biscotti, which was extremely delicious.
1. Discuss with your child/children that we are ALL called to lives of holiness. Draw a template like the one below, and have your child/children draw themselves in the center. Then, brainstorm ways with your child/children how they can live a saintly life. They can write or draw pictures depending upon their age/ability. Seeing that Blessed Carlo was so young and was able to live a holy life and is now on the path to Sainthood, is extremely inspiring! You can also discuss and reflect upon the wonderful gift of the Holy Eucharist.2. Write a prayer together with your child/children asking for Blessed Carlo's intercession to help keep them on the right path as they grow up in a digital world. If you have trouble starting or coming up with one, feel free to use the one I’ve written below:
Blessed Carlo, through your young life you inspired and showed us true devotion and love for the Holy Eucharist. Using your talents with technology, you spread your love and devotion for the Holy Eucharist to others. Watch over us as we live and grow in the age of technology, praying that we may do God’s will and use our gifts to spread the good news. Please also pray that we remain safe when using the internet and technologies and pray that we grow in our love and devotion of the Holy Eucharist. Amen. Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating Blessed Carlo Acutis!
Additional Resources:
Watch Blessed Carlo's Beatification Mass from the Vatican together as a family.
Read this inspiring article about Blessed Carlo together.
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