Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels: Feast Day Oct. 2nd
Ever since my oldest child was eight months old, I’ve been taking my kids to daily Mass once a week. What started out as a Lenten promise turned into a weekly routine that has continued now for three years, and has become one of the best things I’ve been able to do for my children as a mom. Sure, there are Masses when I feel like I haven’t heard a word because I’ve been trying to keep a cranky toddler happy, but through this sacrifice even if my ears are not always able to receive, I believe my children are being given the greatest gift they can receive by attending Mass.
Today, on the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, as my children and I attended Mass with my parents, the Gospel reading from Matthew talked about bringing the little children to Jesus and that those who are the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven are like the little children. In his homily, our priest talked about the wonderful gift God has given us all by assigning an angel to watch over and guide each one of us. He then connected back to the Gospel reading that we should have the faith and belief of children to help us believe and trust in such a wonderful gift as having a guardian angel to help watch over and guide us. As adults, I tend to think we probably take for granted that we’ve been blessed with an angelic guide and helper from the moment we were conceived. I know I for one have often taken my guardian angel for granted. Today, set aside time to thank your guardian angel for all the times they’ve helped keep you on the right path.
After Mass, sitting around the kitchen table sipping coffee and eating warm English muffins with butter and jam, my mom played the song “Angels Among Us” by Alabama in honor of the guardian angels’ fast day. I’ve included the YouTube link below so you and your family can enjoy the song too!
Another beautiful activity you and your family can do today is watch the short film: “The Veil Removed.” In this beautiful depiction of what we as Catholics believe happens at the celebration of the Holy Mass, you and your family will see the Mass celebrated with all the angels and saints.
Family Craft:
When I was in graduate school and on a mini retreat to transition into the role of Spiritual Life Chair at the Newman Center, I learned for the first time the “Guardian Angel Prayer.” This beautiful prayer is short and simple and inspiring. My husband and I have prayed this with our daughter several times, and today we are going to make prayer cards of it with our children so they can keep it in their rooms and we can say it more frequently at night with them.
Supplies needed:
Printed copy of “The Guardian Angel Prayer”
Construction paper
Directions: Have your child/children glue The Guardian Angel Prayer to construction paper. They can then color and draw angels around the prayer and tape the prayer to the back of their bedroom door or hang it above their nightstand or bed.
My two year old’s picture with my help
Happy feast of The Holy Guardian Angels! I hope you and your family have a blessed day celebrating together!
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