Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles: Feast Day October 28th
Today we celebrate Saints Simon and Jude who were two of Jesus’ Twelve Apostles. We know that both saints were martyred for spreading the faith, and that Saint Jude was a cousin of Jesus. If you’re like me, you’re probably more familiar with Saint Jude because of Saint Jude Children's Hospital in Tennessee, and the fact that he's known as the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes and often prayed to asking for his intercession for healing and hope. If you're interested in learning more about him, here is some additional reading about Saint Jude, from the National Shrine of Saint Jude, as well as a link to beautiful Prayers for Saint Jude’s intercession.
We all have our crosses to bear. Some are known to others and some are private known only to God and to ourself. Praying to Saints, like Saint Jude, and asking for their intercession is a wonderful gift. How many times have you asked friends or family members to pray for you? Have you ever thought about asking your saintly family members already in Heaven to pray for you? I hope you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating Saints Simon and Saint Jude today!
Celebrating Saints Simon and Jude Through Food:
Make cross-shaped cookies (sugar, shortbread, gingerbread or some other type of cookie dough that rolls and cuts nicely) and give them to friends and family members. Since it’s fall, you can also try this spiced pumpkin cut-out cookie recipe from The Pioneer Woman if you’re looking for a tasty fall flavored treat.
Activity and Craft:
Look for the Cross Scavenger Hunt:
Crosses are everywhere! From doors to tree branches, to lines on the sidewalk. Take your family on a scavenger hunt. Walk through your house and your neighborhood and take pictures of all the crosses you see.
Stained-glass Cross:
Prayer and Action: How can you help carry the cross in someone’s life?
Brainstorm with your family a person or group of people that you know needs a helping hand, then anonymously do something to help them; such as praying for them, dropping of a meal or groceries, donating needed goods to a local charity, or sending a "thinking of you card" or money to them in the mail. This is a beautiful way to help you and your family engage in an act of corporal mercy together as well as help those in need.
Pray Together:
Below is a prayer I wrote in 2011 that you and your family can also prayer together.
Prayer for the Suffering
Dear Lord, there are many who are afflicted by their pains and hurts of the body and the soul, of mind and spirit, heart and limb, please comfort those who live in sickness. Comfort those who live in grief. Send forth your loving spirit Lord, be with those in greatest need. Holy Lord, God of life, send healing grace to those distressed. Free them from their afflictions, save them by your healing hand. Many in this world are hurting, many in this world depressed. In their own varied ways they suffer and are fading fast. Give them hope, help them fight. Through you they will succeed. You dear God are always with them in every hour of greatest need. I lift my hands, I lift my words and prayers. Please heal those who suffer in this world. Give them grace, ease their pains. Heal them Lord of love and light. Amen.
Love the ideas! Such a wonderful read 😊