When your kids’ aunt, and the godmother of your daughter, stops by and tells you it’s “Angel Week” on the “God Minute Podcast,” you take advantage of her teaching your children about the hierarchy of some of the choirs of angels. Having family members share parts of the faith with your children is not only a blessing, but an opportunity for your children to witness the faith outside of their immediate family. Yes, it’s true that as parents we are the first educators of our children, but as the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a family.” Today has taught me not only the importance of having family members help teach your kids the faith, using their gifts, but also reminded me of the important role godparents play in the lives of children. As Catholics, we choose godparents to help us as parents raise our children in the Christian faith—today was a beautiful reminder of this for me as a mom. How can your extended family and friends help you teach your children about the faith and/or how to practice it? Think about that, and then get your “village” involved.
Additional resources:
Here is a list of the nine choirs of angels from EWTN with some explanation of them.
Here is also a graphic organizer explaining the nine hierarchies of angels, produced by Cristobal Almanza, which has been shared on social media by author and theologian Scott Hahn.
Here is the link to the God Minute podcast website.
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