First Fridays and First Saturdays:
Have you heard about First Friday and First Saturday devotions? I grew up a cradle Catholic, and it wasn’t until two years ago that I not only heard about them, but started reading about the devotions for these days and then attended five First Saturdays with my family. Often times with people so use to Fridays being considered “daily Mass days” and Saturdays being associated with the Sunday Vigil Mass, I think most of us either forget or overlook the importance and beauty of these two days. So, what exactly are First Fridays? Jesus appeared to Saint Margaret Mary, in the late 1600s, and designated that Fridays be the day to honor his Sacred Heart. He then gave Saint Margaret Mary the Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus promising various graces to souls who venerate His Sacred Heart and receive Holy Communion on nine First Fridays for nine consecutive months. If you've never heart of these twelve promises, I hope you will check out the link above. Since Friday is the day that the "Sorrowful Mysteries" remembering Christ's Passion are said on the rosary, what a beautiful day to also honor His Sacred Heart and receive communion.
First Saturday Devotions are made in reparation for sins against the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary appeared to Sister Lucia (one of the visionaries from Fatima), and promised to help with graces all those who make Five consecutive monthly First Saturday devotions, receive Holy communion, attend confession, and pray the rosary.
There are so many graces available to you and your family on First Fridays and First Saturdays it's AMAZING! If you've never attended either of these devotions, try going to one or both with your family and experience the beauty of these two wonderful days and grow closer to Christ and your Spiritual Mother. Through Mary to Jesus!
Learning Through Food:
To teach and celebrate First Fridays and Saturdays, you and your family can make cookies shaped like "hearts" and the letters "F" and "S." I like to use this easy shortbread cookie recipe for cookie cutting, because it rolls out nicely and has no eggs in it so kids can eat the dough. You can then discuss how the hearts represent the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary and the letters are to remind us to honor them on Fridays and Saturdays. Depending upon the age of your children, you can also discuss the promises attributed with both devotions. If you don't want to make cookies, you can use this homemade play-dough recipe instead and use the cookie-cutters with it.
Learning Through Crafts:
Using construction paper, create a "Days of the Week" calendar. Not only does this help young children visually learn the days of the week as well as the letters that spell them, but you can color code Friday and Saturday with specific colors and have your children add and color printable images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Friday and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for Saturday. You can even have your children trace the letters in the days of the week. The website, "I Can Read. I Will Succeed," has free printable worksheets for days of the week.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful time learning about and celebrating First Fridays and First Saturdays!
Additional Reading about First Fridays and First Saturdays:
First Fridays information from EWTN
Info about Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque from Franciscan Media
First Saturdays information from the Marian Fathers
Our Lady of Fatima (information about Fatima and First Satudays) from ETWN
The Message of Fatima from the Vatican
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