Our Lady of Guadalupe: Feast Day Dec. 12th
Today we celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe. In the fifteen hundreds, she appeared to Saint Juan Diego in Mexico. Through her appearance and Juan Diego’s faith and dedication in conveying her message to his bishop, thousands of Native Mexicans converted to Catholicism. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patron of Mexico and the Patron of the Americas.
Growing up, I loved watching the television show “Wishbone” on PBS. Below is a YouTube video of the “Wishbone Jaun Diego Episode” that you and your family can enjoy watching together today.
Celebrating Through Food and Prayer:
Today, have a fiesta to celebrate! Make tacos, or your favorite Mexican cuisine, and listen to mariachi band music while you eat. Place a candle of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the center of your table and say the prayer written on it. You can purchase a candle, like the one I have pictured at the beginning of this post, from Kroger for less than $3.00. Also, if you can, attend Mass today.
Today make Mexican “Papel Picado” party banners. The materials you will need are: colored tissue paper, scissors, string and glue. I found this great YouTube video that explains how to make them. Buenos suerte! (Good luck!).
The Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe:
The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, that Our Lady left miraculously imprinted upon Juan Diego’s tilma, is amazing! Check out this article, from Catholic Education, to learn more, as well as this article from Catholic News Agency. Aletia also has an interesting article about what can be seen when you look into the eyes of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s image.
Happy feast of Out Lady of Guadalupe to you and your family! Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
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