Bake Bread and Reflect:
While baking sandwich bread for my family, I started thinking about the Eucharist. I know I’ve probably heard a priest, at some point in my life, relay this thought provoking insight during a homily, yet still, how amazing is it that Jesus chose to be present in bread? Every culture in the world has some form of bread. People love the smell of it baking and taste of it, and when quarantine started, bread recipes became one of the most researched topics. God, in his infinite wisdom, chose to make himself present in a food we as people not only love to eat, but a food that is eaten throughout the world. Making bread is an act of love. It requires patience as you wait for yeast to bloom and bread to rise during multiple rises, and patience as it bakes. And in the end, when it’s pulled from the oven, patience is again needed as you wait for it to cool. Yet after all this waiting, a wonderful and delicious product has been made!
We need God; and like making bread, God through his love for us, patiently kneads and shapes us into the people he knows we can become. When we receive the gift of Jesus, fully present in the Eucharist, we are leavened as we welcome his divine life within us. So, try making a loaf of bread, and as you go through the various steps and points of waiting while making it, take a moment to reflect upon the triune love of God to reveal and leave himself present in the Holy Eucharist, in bread for us to eat.
Here is the recipe I used to make my bread from the website “Tasty.” Serve it with jelly of your choice and enjoy!
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