Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn: January 22nd
Never Forsaken—Always Wanted
I knew you in your mother’s womb,
Before the world knew you
Your heart was beating, I smiled
Each little hair upon your head I counted
Each tiny finger and each toe
Oh, the life you would have!
Who you would grow to be
Your thoughts, your words,
Your soul...
If only they loved and wanted you as much as me
Such a gift you are and will always be
Before the world knew you
I knew you
And I always will
You were always wanted, child
I have always wanted you
As we gaze from Heaven, sadly upon the world,
I press you to my Sacred Heart and whisper,
Whisper how much I love you
How the world, in its brokenness, said they didn’t want you, didn’t see you as a gift, didn’t see the love you are,
I whisper
You are my child, I always loved you, always wanted you and always will
You smile
I press you to my heart and bring you home
I’ve always cherished you
Today, on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s legalization of abortion in Roe vs. Wade, we pray for the legal protection of the unborn, and we remember all the lives of the innocent that have been taken. Today, pray together as a family for: the legal protection of the unborn, healing for those who have underwent and carried out abortions, healing for families hurt by abortion, and the conversion of hearts of politicians and all people to see all life, especially the most vulnerable, as sacred from conception to natural death. Pray. Prayer is so powerful. Jesus said the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. Pray. Pray before the Lord, present in the Blessed Sacrament. Pray at 3:00 pm, seeking Divine Mercy. Knock and the door shall be opened. Pray, because “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” St. Augustine
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