Saint John Neumann: Feast Day Jan. 5th
Saint John Neumann, the first American Bishop to be canonized and Patron Saint of Catholic Education, has a special place in my heart. My late grandfather’s name was John Neumann, and when my brother was confirmed, he selected our grandfather to be his sponsor and chose Saint John Neumann as his patron. I like to reflect on the reality that as our grandfather, John Neumann, stood beside him as his sponsor, Saint John Neumann prayed in Heaven for my brother at his Confirmation. Aside from this neat family name connection with a Saint, as a former teacher I also find Saint John Neumann to be inspiring, since he helped increase the number of Catholic schools while he was Bishop of Philadelphia and brought numerous religious sisters into the schools to teach. Faith instruction of children and young people was definitely important to Saint John Neumann. If you are interested in reading more about Saint John Neumann, check out this article from Franciscan Media.
Celebrating Through Food:
Since Saint John Neumann immigrated to the United States from what is present day the Czech Republic, I made Bohemian inspired “Golden Caraway Puffs” from Taste of Home. Unfortunately, Taste of Home no longer has the link to the recipe, but they have a plethora of other Bohemian Inspired recipes if you’d like to make a meal or dessert instead. I didn’t have caraway seed, so I substituted it for coriander seed since that’s what I had. They turned out delicious! They puffed up nicely and were great served with a slice of cheese in the middle.
My family ate our “puff sandwiches” for lunch and served them with hot tea. I also folded our napkins in the shape of a Bishop’s Miter. Below is a video I made that shows you how to fold your napkins.
Celebrating With a Craft:
Since Saint John Neumann was a Bishop, celebrate him today by making paper Bishop hats. The website, “Catholic Missionary Family,” has great step-by-step instructions for folding and making paper Bishop miters.
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