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Saul Saw the Light: The Conversion of Saint Paul

Saul Saw the Light—The Conversion of Saint Paul: Feast Day Jan. 25

Today we celebrate Saint Paul’s conversion. How many times have you been like Saint Paul? Have you ever been blinded by things that have prevented you from seeing God in your life? I’m sure it’s safe to say we’ve all been like Saint Paul at different points in our lives, whether we’ve felt better than others—that our way must indeed be the right way—or we’ve just not been able to see what we should really be doing, because we haven’t opened our hearts to fully trust in the Lord’s will. Like Saint Paul was struck blind on his way to Damascus, we too must be open to embracing our blindness so that we can follow the light of the Lord and, like Saint Paul, grow in our faith and regain our sight—an even clearer sight. 

I find it interesting that the name “Saul,” in Hebrew, means to ask/question, and the name “Paul” derives from Roman lineage meaning small/humble. I wonder if this might be an inspiration for us to ask questions to the Lord and than humble ourselves to receive His answers...? So, today pray that the Lord will remove whatever beam might be within your eye, so that you can gain a clearer vision and embark upon the mission He has planned specifically for you. Open your heart to trust in God’s divine love! 

Celebrating Through an Activity:

Have family members take turns wearing a blindfold and being led around the house. Like Saint Paul, you will not be able to see and will have to trust where the person leading you is taking you. You can also add a flashlight to this activity and shine it in a way that the blindfolded person can tell which direction the light is coming from and follow the light as they are guided towards it. This is a great way to symbolize following the light of Christ and being obedient when there are times you are called to be obedient.

Celebrating Through Food:

Since Saint Paul was from the ancient city of Tarsus, which is located in present day Turkey, make “Turkish Bulgur and Vegetable Pilaf” using this great recipe from “The Spruce Eats.” This is a hearty and healthy side dish you can serve at dinner that will get your children to eat some vegetables as well as try a dish from a different culture’s cuisine. We served our bulgur pilaf with “Turkish Chicken Kebabs,” recipe also from “The Spruce Eats,” and peas and carrots. 

Celebrating Through Prayer:

Here are two prayers I wrote that you and your family can pray together:

Lord, I know there are many times in my life that I am blinded by my own desires, my ego, pride, or wanting to do my will instead of yours. Help me to remove the beam from my eye so that I may no longer be blinded to your will. Help me see what is good and beautiful, what is true and right. Open my eyes like you opened Saint Paul’s and help me never again fall into the depths of spiritual blindness. Amen. 

Saint Paul, patron of missionaries, evangelists, writers and public workers, pray for the conversion of our hearts and our leaders, and all people throughout the world, to do the Holy Will of God. Amen.


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