Celebrate Your Confirmation: 19 years ago today, I was Confirmed in the Catholic Church. It’s true that I realized my Confirmation was a Sacrament, but like most people, I unfortunately didn’t realize then that this was a moment that should continue to be celebrated beyond just the day and Confirmation party. Confirmation, like the other Sacraments, is a Sacrament not meant to be just received, but meant to be lived. It’s when we as Catholic’s renew our Baptismal vows that our parents spoke for us as infants. It’s when we affirm our consecration to the Lord through Baptism and take on the responsibility to live and grow in our faith. It’s when we are sealed with the Holy Spirit! Celebrate your Confirmation! Write this special anniversary on your calendar, because it’s not a one day thing— it’s living your life every day in Christ! Each year, celebrate your Confirmation anniversary with your family. Get out the old photos, so your kids can see you as a 13 year-old with braces and butter...
Ideas to celebrate the Liturgical Year of the Roman Catholic Church as a family and build your Domestic Church.