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Showing posts from February, 2021

Celebrate Your Confirmation

Celebrate Your Confirmation: 19 years ago today, I was Confirmed in the Catholic Church. It’s true that I realized my Confirmation was a Sacrament, but like most people, I unfortunately didn’t realize then that this was a moment that should continue to be celebrated beyond just the day and Confirmation party. Confirmation, like the other Sacraments, is a Sacrament not meant to be just received, but meant to be lived. It’s when we as Catholic’s renew our Baptismal vows that our parents spoke for us as infants. It’s when we affirm our consecration to the Lord through Baptism and take on the responsibility to live and grow in our faith. It’s when we are sealed with the Holy Spirit! Celebrate your Confirmation! Write this special anniversary on your calendar, because it’s not a one day thing— it’s living your life every day in Christ! Each year, celebrate your Confirmation anniversary with your family. Get out the old photos, so your kids can see you as a 13 year-old with braces and butter...

The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle

The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle: Feast Day Feb. 22 “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18) Today, we celebrate the feast day of Peter's appointment by Christ to govern the Church on earth, and his successors in that role to become the next Vicar of Christ—in simple terms, today's feast day celebrates the institution of the papacy. So, today as we celebrate this beautiful role of leadership within the Catholic Church, pray for the Pope, that he will always be guided by the Holy Spirit, and lead the flock he's been entrusted with the gifts of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, piety, counsel, fortitude, and a fear of the Lord. Also reflect on the awesomeness that you are part of something beautiful—you are a part of the Church, the Church founded by Christ, the Bride of Christ! Let that amazing reality sink in!    Celebrating Through Food: Since today’s ...

Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes: Feast Day Feb. 11th “I am the Immaculate Conception.” These are the beautiful words spoken by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Bernadette when she appeared to the little girl in Lourdes, France in 1858. When I reflect upon these words that the Blessed Virgin spoke, I instantly think back to when I read Father Michael Gaitley’s book, 33 Days to Morning Glory a Do-it-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration , a few years ago. As I read his book, I learned there is a deeper meaning within the words. Father Gaitley discusses that through the words spoken to Saint Bernadette, the Blessed Virgin Mary was identifying herself to be the spouse of The Holy Spirit. Not only is this extremely insightful, but it is extremely beautiful! Father Gaitley further discusses how Saint Maximilian Kolbe explained that “If among human beings the wife takes the name of her husband because she belongs to him, is one with him...with how much greater reason should the name of...

Saint Valentine

Saint Valentine: Feast Day Feb. 14th Happy Valentine’s Day! During your life time, I’m sure you’ve heard and said this phase numerous times as you’ve celebrated Valentine’s Day, but have you ever stopped to wonder who the saint behind the day actually was? Unfortunately, there is not a lot of factual information known about Saint Valentine, but two stories that have been told about him, through the centuries, are: (1) He was a priest who secretly married couples against the Roman emperor’s law, and (2) that before he was martyred, he gave a letter to his friend, his jailer’s daughter,  that said “From your Valentine” ( Britannica article ). With both of these associations to him, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers and beekeepers (maybe this is why flowers are typically given as presents on Valentine’s Day???).  As you and your family celebrate Saint Valentine today, reflect on the notion that God loves us with a love that is beyond anything we know here on earth, an...

Saint Josephine Bakhita

Saint Josephine Bakhita: Feast Day Feb. 8th Saint Josephine Bakhita was from Sudan, and during her childhood, she was forced into slavery and sold in her native land multiple times. When she was sent to Italy, in1885, to accompany the daughter of the family she was enslaved too, she converted to Catholicism. The religious sisters she was staying with, while her master’s daughter attended school, helped her win her court case and freedom, since slavery was illegal in Italy. Saint Josephine Bakhita eventually became a Canossian Sister and lived out her days in service to the Lord, a life she was able to finely freely choose for herself with her “Yes.”  In a time when racial tensions continue to plague my county and the world, I like to look to Saint Josephine Bakhita as a strong and beautiful light in the world. Despite enduring her own times of darkness in life, she did not allow her heart to become jaded with hate or pity. Although her past and the pain and horrors that she endured...

Saint Blaise

Saint Blaise: Feast Day Feb. 3rd  When I think of Saint Blaise, I always remember the blessing of the throat at Mass, since he is the patron saint of those suffering from throat ailments. Saint Blaise was a Bishop  and a martyr, but there is really not a lot of information about him. When we consider that we don’t know a lot biographically about him, instead of being disappointed, I find it rather inspiring. Since we are all called to live holy lives, striving for sanctification, just think how many saints have lived throughout history and are even now living in our present time that we will never know about until our earthly life is ended. Saint Blaise lived in a difficult time period, and the time we live in today has its own difficulties and trials. We have nothing to fear, however, because in times of great trial, many graces will abound and many saints will continue to be made (“...where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more” Romans 5:20). When he addressed the wor...