Celebrate Your Confirmation:
19 years ago today, I was Confirmed in the Catholic Church. It’s true that I realized my Confirmation was a Sacrament, but like most people, I unfortunately didn’t realize then that this was a moment that should continue to be celebrated beyond just the day and Confirmation party. Confirmation, like the other Sacraments, is a Sacrament not meant to be just received, but meant to be lived. It’s when we as Catholic’s renew our Baptismal vows that our parents spoke for us as infants. It’s when we affirm our consecration to the Lord through Baptism and take on the responsibility to live and grow in our faith. It’s when we are sealed with the Holy Spirit!
Celebrate your Confirmation! Write this special anniversary on your calendar, because it’s not a one day thing— it’s living your life every day in Christ! Each year, celebrate your Confirmation anniversary with your family. Get out the old photos, so your kids can see you as a 13 year-old with braces and butterfly hair clips (Yep, that’s how I looked in my photos), enjoy a Holy Spirit inspired treat (I’m enjoying Dove chocolate and vanilla ice cream today), and talk to your children about the Holy Spirit, the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the beautiful Sacrament of Confirmation.
As I celebrate this important Sacrament and it’s anniversary in my life, today I will light the candle I received as a commemorative at my Confirmation for the first time; and I will continue to light it upon each anniversary of my Confirmation. And like the light which radiates and burns from its flame, I hope the Holy Spirit will continue to burn bright within my life and help me to reflect and grow in the love of my Heavenly Father in all that I do.
Below is a poetic prayer I wrote to offer today for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in my life.
Seven Gifts
Holy Spirit, from Heaven above,
Descend upon me in a fire of love.
Fill me with WISDOM to keep the Lord first,
And to see the value of all those on earth.
Flood me with UNDERSTANDING when I hear God’s word,
To heed His message and be assured.
Send me KNOWLEDGE to think and to grow,
Yet realize some parts of faith are a mystery we can’t fully know.
Encompass me in COUNSEL so I always choose God,
When temptations arise to test and confound.
Wrap me in FORTITUDE to do what is morally right,
Gifting me with the COURAGE to always stand up for what’s good and true in your sight.
Enkindle the gift of PIETY within my soul,
To pray in adoration with devotion heartfelt and full.
And fill me with a FEAR OF THE LORD to always be awed and amazed,
To be blessed with the gift, the grace, of your friendship all of my days.
Come, Holy Spirit, come—Amen
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