Good Shepherd Sunday—Fourth Sunday of Easter:
“I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). With these words, Jesus establishes a high expectation and reality not only for what he has come to do—sacrifice His life for mankind so that we may have eternal life with Him—but also for all those who are entrusted with leadership over a flock. As parents, it's easy to sometimes forget that we are shepherds to our children. We have been entrusted with their little souls, and been given the responsibility to guide them in the ways of Christ, the teachings of the Church, and ultimately sacrifice our lives for them. Most of us will not have to physically sacrifice our lives so that our children may live, but as parents, we all must lay down our lives in little ways on a daily basis. We must sacrifice the things we'd rather do instead of changing diapers, washing clothes, and cleaning up toys, and instead give of ourselves so that our children can grow and become the men and women God created them to be. Our children are young for only a short while, and while our flock is within our home, we must guide them and rely upon The Good Shepherd to help us raise them. "A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep..." How can you be a Good Shepherd to the children and family God has entrusted you to lead?
Celebrating with Food:
My family loves this Shepherd’s Pie recipe from Pillsbury. It uses ground beef instead of lamb, but you could easily use lamb if you like. I add a little bit of basil on top of the mashed-potatoes, and then I sprinkle sharp-cheddar cheese on top before baking it. I then serve our Shepherd's Pie with salad. To make the recipe slightly healthier, with less sodium, you can make homemade mashed-potatoes. I like to use Yukon Gold potatoes. I quarter them and put them in a large sauce pan with enough water to cover them. I then boil them for about twenty minutes, then mash them, adding milk, a little butter, and whatever seasonings I want.
Celebrating with a Craft:
Additional Activity and Prayer:
Watch, “The Sheep That No One Could Find,” by Anthony DeStefano, from EWTN’s Story Time. It’s a great story about The Good Shepherd finding the lost sheep, and perfect for today's celebration. After watching the story together, say the prayer I wrote below as a family. I hope you and your family have a truly blessed Good Shepherd Sunday!
"The Sheep That No One Could Find" by Anthony DeStefano
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