Saint Louis de Montfort: Feast Day April 28th
It was three years ago, as I read Father Michael Gaitley’s book, 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-it-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration, that I first learned of Saint Louis de Montfort. My mother had bought copies of Father Gaitley’s book for my sister and I, and with my second child on the way, I decided to make my Marian consecration that year on May 13th, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. I’d always been intrigued by Our Lady’s message at Fatima, and that year, May 13, 2018, Our Lady of Fatima’s feast day also happened to be on Mother’s Day, which I thought was very beautiful.
Reading Father Gaitley’s book, I become more intrigued by Saint Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to the Blessed Mother, his teachings on Marian consecration, and their influence on saints like Maximilian Kolbe, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Pope John Paul II. Hailing from Brittany, France from the late 1600 hundreds through early 1700 hundreds, Saint Louis de Montfort taught that consecrating yourself to Jesus, through the Blessed Virgin Mary, would bring you closer to Jesus. To make a Marian consecration, Saint Louis de Montfort proposed renewing one’s baptismal promises and making oneself a gift to Mary, giving Our Blessed Mother all of our virtues, good works, and graces we've ever or will ever receive so that she can disperse them to others (Gaitley, 38-39). Saint Louis de Montfort taught this method, and then Saint Maximilian Kolbe further built upon it, forming the Militia Immaculata. Both of these saints knew that consecrating oneself to Jesus, through Mary, was a sure way to sanctification.
While he was hanging on the cross, Jesus gave us—all of humanity—the Blessed Virgin Mary as our spiritual mother. "When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, 'Woman, behold your son.' Then he said to the disciple, 'Behold, your mother,' And from that hour the disciple took her into his home" (John 19:26-27). Through these words, Jesus gave humanity the gift of His mother as our spiritual mother. Saint Louis de Montfort saw the importance of these words, and many other saints did as well.
Mary, immaculately conceived without sin, always perfectly does the will of the Father. Mary, the model of femininity and motherhood, is full of grace and waiting to help guide us to her divine son. "And from that hour the disciple took her into his home." Have you and your family invited Mary into your home? Into your hearts? Look to the wisdom of saints like Louis de Montfort and Maximilian Kolbe, and do not be afraid to listen to and heed the words from Jesus, "Behold, your mother."
Celebrating with Crafts:
Make a quote collage of your favorite quotes from Saint Louis de Montfort. Here is a list of some of his quotes from The National Catholic Register, as well as a list of his quotes from the website "Good Reads." Print and glue, or hand-write the quotes you like, onto a piece of construction paper and decorate your quote collage with stickers, designs, or pictures you draw.
Since Saint Louis de Montfort was devoted to Our Blessed Mother, you and your children can also make Rosary decades. You can make your rosary decades using pipe-cleaners and beads, so that kids of any age can make them. The website, “Catholic Icing,” has easy step-by-step directions for how to make pipe-cleaner Rosary decades.
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