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Showing posts from July, 2021

Saints Joachim and Anne

Saints Joachim and Anne: Feast Day July 26th Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus had grandparents? When God the Son took on human flesh, he also paced himself within the dynamics of the human family. Although there is no specific reference in the Bible to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s parents by name, the Church celebrates Jesus' maternal grandparents under the names Saint Joachim and Saint Anne. It took a special father and mother to raise, care for, and help prepare the Blessed Virgin Mary for her future vocation and extraordinary relationship with God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and her saintly husband, Saint Joseph; and those special parents were no doubt saints themselves. Speaking of Saint Joseph, his parents would also have been grandparents of the Lord. Celebrating Jesus' grandparents today, reminds us that grandparents are the keepers and transmitters of family history and tradition, and are the patriarchs and matriarchs of families, holding generatio...

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Feast Day July 16th On July 16th, 1251, the Blessed Mother appeared to Saint Simon Stock, as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. When she appeared to him, she gave him the scapular, and told him that anyone who  died while wearing the scapular “would not suffer eternal fire.” Once just worn by those in the Carmelite Order, now the scapular can be worn by everyone. I recently read the book entitled, Mary at the Crossroads of History , by Father Francis J. Hoffman (a.k.a. Father "Rocky" from Relevant Radio), and in this wonderful book, Father Rocky discusses various Marian apparitions that have occurred at pivotal points in history. How amazing it must have been to be Saint Simon Stock, Saint Bernadette, Saint Francisco, Saint Jacinta, Blessed Sister Lucia, and so many others. Yet even though we are not these saints, through their encounters with the Blessed Mother we have the opportunity to benefit from her words and the methods she gave these saints for graces...

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions: Feast Day July 9th  "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven..." (Matthew 5:10) Writing this blog today, I cannot help but feel sad. As I reflect upon Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his 120 companions, who were martyred for their Catholic faith in China between 1648-1930, I am acutely aware of the persecuted Church in China that is still occurring today. Just as recent as May 2021, officials of the Chinese communist party arrested a Vatican appointed bishop, priests, and seminarians who were not adhering to their "government sanctioned church." So yes, today we celebrate and remember Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his fellow martyred companions, but I ask you to also remember our brothers and sisters in Christ and the Holy Church that continues to be persecuted today in China. Various scripture verses come to mind as I contemplate the Chinese martyrs:   "If ...