Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Feast Day July 16th
On July 16th, 1251, the Blessed Mother appeared to Saint Simon Stock, as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. When she appeared to him, she gave him the scapular, and told him that anyone who died while wearing the scapular “would not suffer eternal fire.” Once just worn by those in the Carmelite Order, now the scapular can be worn by everyone. I recently read the book entitled, Mary at the Crossroads of History, by Father Francis J. Hoffman (a.k.a. Father "Rocky" from Relevant Radio), and in this wonderful book, Father Rocky discusses various Marian apparitions that have occurred at pivotal points in history. How amazing it must have been to be Saint Simon Stock, Saint Bernadette, Saint Francisco, Saint Jacinta, Blessed Sister Lucia, and so many others. Yet even though we are not these saints, through their encounters with the Blessed Mother we have the opportunity to benefit from her words and the methods she gave these saints for graces. So, today as we celebrate Our Lady, as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, let us think about how we can listen to and heed the messages she has given us, through the saints, throughout history!
Celebrate with Food:
For a tasty treat that honors Our Lady’s title as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, make “Mount Carmel Sundaes.” Serve a “mountain” of vanilla ice cream topped with caramel. Use this delicious salted caramel recipe from “Sally’s Baking Addiction” to top your mountain. It is a little to salty for my family’s tastebuds, so I recommend either using regular butter instead of salted, and/or adding half the amount of salt. Then, cut out this scapular printable from the website “The Catholic Kid,” tape it to a toothpick, and stick it in your “Mount Carmel Sundaes” when you serve them.
Celebrate with a Craft:
Using brown felt or construction paper and yarn or string, make a scapular. Color and cut out the scapula printable linked above, and glue it to felt or construction paper. Cut holes using scissors or a hole-punch and attach your string. As you make your scapular craft, tell your children about Saint Simon Stock and the message about the scapular he received from Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Celebrate with a Prayer:
Additional Resources:
Here is more History and information about the scapular from “The Sisters of Carmel.”
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