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Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Lima: Feast Day August 23

"Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven." These beautiful and thought provoking words, spoken by Saint Rose of Lima, challenge us to recognize and embrace the various crosses that we carry during our lives. As we accept and carry our crosses, we come to realize that during these moments of struggle, we are strengthened by Christ's love and filled with the graces we need to persevere and be molded ever closer into the saints we are meant to become. We learn, through the cross, that love contains pain, suffering and sacrifice, and that love— true love— is a complete and unconditional surrender of self for the love of another. It wasn't until I became a mother, however, that I truly began to understand this reality and grow to this point in my faith journey. Through childbirth, I learned the beauty of pain and sacrifice for love of another and that pain is a gift. Bringing the life of a child into this world is an act of love and sacrifice. For almost fifteen hours, I prayed asking for Mary's intercession to help me during the birth of my first child. During the labor of my second child, I prayed a Hail Mary during each contraction, and then, during the labor of my third child, I prayed prayers from the Divine Mercy Chaplet and offered up the pain of my labor for the conversion of sinners, for my country, and as a prayer begging for the atrocity of abortion to end. No one likes pain, but I've found that in pain, you are strengthened and bestowed with graces as you carry your cross, and that in the agony of pain you can find beauty, sacrifice, and ultimately pure and selfless love. During her life, Saint Rose of Lima offered up many sacrifices to the Lord. As we celebrate her feast today, let us think how we can embrace the crosses in our lives, and offer up our pains and sufferings for the love of another. Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us!       

Celebrate with Food: 

For a tasty dinner with a bit of a spicy kick, make "Pollo a la Brasa" (a Peruvian grilled chicken dish) using this recipe from "Allrecipes."  You can then serve your chicken with this easy Peruvian garlic rice, using this recipe from "Kroger." The rice is extremely easy to make, so even younger children can help prepare it with some assistance.  

Celebrate with Crafts: 

Besides being the patroness of Peru, South America, and embroiderers, Saint Rose of Lima is also the patroness of gardeners and florists. For a fun floral craft, try making these easy construction paper roses. Below is a quick "How to" video with instructions. Since Saint Rose of Lima said, “Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven,” make “Rose-colored-glasses” to remind you to keep your eyes on the cross and stay close to Jesus. Here is a template for making paper Rose-colored-glasses that you can use. I found using pink construction paper works great. You can even hole-punch the part that goes around your ears and attach sting to keep your glasses on.

Celebrate with a Prayer and a Video:

Here is a prayer you and your family can say together, as well as a wonderful cartoon about Saint Rose of Lima from EWTN's "My Catholic Family."

When I am confronted with crosses in my life, Lord give me the courage and strength to embrace them, and like Saint Rose of Lima, help me to offer up my suffering for you and for others. In my pain, help me grow in love for you and my neighbor, and help shape me ever more into the saint you want me to become. Amen.  


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