Saint Therese of the Child Jesus: Feast Day Oct. 1 Today as we celebrate Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, also known as Saint Therese of Lisieux, my family chose to focus on her beautiful title: “Saint Therese the Little Flower.” Even though she only lived a short life, Saint Therese’s book,“Story of a Soul,” and her concept of “The Little Way” have inspired many throughout the world; and she was declared a Doctor of the Church. Activities and Crafts: Focusing on the “flower theme” with my toddlers, we began our day by making paper flowers. Here is a great website (“First Palette”) with directions for folding Paper flowers . If your children are older, you can use these printable templates , from the same website, for younger children. After making paper flowers, we then learned about the parts of a flower using these worksheets from “Itsy Bitsy Fun” (scroll to the bottom of the page to click on workshe...
Ideas to celebrate the Liturgical Year of the Roman Catholic Church as a family and build your Domestic Church.